Attendance and punctuality are essential for your child to get the most out of their time at school and develop important life skills for their future. Our school is working hard to achieve our overall attendance target of 96% this year. We are collaborating with parents to ensure that each child attends school regularly and on time.
Regular school attendance is crucial for every child to reach their full potential academically, socially, and emotionally. We expect all children to attend school every day and arrive to the classroom door by 8.50am. Absences and poor punctuality disrupt children’s learning and send negative messages about the value of education. We ask parents and carers to support us in ensuring their children do not miss out through unnecessary absences.
We monitor all pupils’ attendance and punctuality. Any child who attends school less than 90% of the time is considered a Persistent Absentee and will be referred to Educational Welfare. From this academic year, we will send out termly attendance reports in Autumn and Spring for all pupils to keep parents & carers informed and allow the opportunity to discuss any queries they may have. The final attendance report will be sent in July with each child's final report.
Further information can be found in the Department for Education's Working together to improve school attendance guidance and Waltham Forest Council's School Attendance Advice.